Long Runners

A new take on the frequent transit map.

Roughly a year ago, I produced a fast and frequent network diagram of the Greater Montreal Area. Now, I redrawn it from scratch and improved it’s legibility. I’ve also devised a new data driven method to decide which lines to represent. With the ARTM having the desire to develop a metropolitan frequent bus network, I believe my diagram would be a good template to further value the frequent bus lines in the region.

A new take on the frequent transit map. Read More »

Understanding your local bus network should not be as hard.

Having a clear and simple signage system can be a catalyst to boost ridership. Since the Montreal region does not have this, I had decided to have some fun designing it myself. Basing myself on the best practices around the world, I think I pulled it off very well. Other cities have also been busy such as Boston which has the Silver Line and soon 30 “T” frequent bus routes. Vancouver has the Rapid Bus routes. Berlin has “X” express routes and “M” frequent bus routes. Seattle has lettered Rapid Ride bus routes. London is working on the Superloop bus routes. Winnipeg is working towards lettered frequent routes. It begs the question: Why not Montreal? Bus networks from coast to coast have been or are in the process of redrawing themselves, especially after the pandemic, following the successful model of the Houston METRO bus network redesign in 2015. Along with this redesign, many have reimagined the way to classify their routes in a bid to improve customer experience.

Understanding your local bus network should not be as hard. Read More »

Pie-IX busway: From hope to deception

The Pie-IX integrated bus rapid transit (BRT) project had been in the works for more than a decade. It had finally opened in 2022, but it’s sole success is the speed, but the user experience not so much. This articles dives deep into the history of the project, it’s ups and downs. It describes many issues (and fixes!) that should be considered on this transit corridor and many others in the planning phase.

Pie-IX busway: From hope to deception Read More »

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