Cole Dev
A civil engineer student's blog that discusses about transportation challenges and solutions (plus some wayfinding!)
Montreal's Bus Network: Solving the Identity Crisis
One of the greatest (and underrated) improvements lately in Montreal's public transit system is it's new integrated fare chart. This brought the new metropolitan bus pass, which allows citizens to travel on most buses in the region on one ticket. However, at first glance, the bus system does not seem as integrated as the fare system. Each operator has their own wayfinding, visual design and identity. All of these separate identities causes people to question whether the buses work in tandem for one system, or are they all many smaller systems. Therefore, I propose to unify the wayfinding, by creating one singular standard for all the operators to follow.
How Quebec’s continual investment in cars and divestment of public transport is putting Quebec’s economy behind.
We know that public transport is the best possible investment that a government could do to promote it's economy. Therefore, it is confusing why Quebec's provincial government is hesitant on providing proper funding to help it's operations. In this article, I look deeper inside the numbers that prove that continuing to invest money inside our deficient road system is actually worse for Quebec's economy than investing the same amount inside public transportation.
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This is a personal blog. I do not represent nor affiliated with the ARTM, STM, STL, RTL, EXO or any other entity.
All content is © Cole Dev unless noted.