A transportation blog.

A transportation blog.


Making better signage for when things go haywire.

This article discusses the critical need for clear and effective signage in public transportation, especially during service disruptions such as network shutdowns. Highlighting the importance of signage as a primary communication tool for transit users, a solution would be to improve service change communications and wayfinding, focusing on planned service closures where transit authorities have direct control. The article also discusses issues with current lackluster signs which fail to direct users effectively, leading to rider frustration. To combat this, I had provided detailed solutions including high-quality signage and visual wayfinding tools.

All articles.


From a 10-minute network to purple buses.

Despite the STM offering 95% of pre-pandemic service, the service on Montreal's most heavily-ridden bus routes have dropped by an average of 13%, and on some routes the drop has been over 30%. This problem had only been amplified post-pandemic, as Montreal endured the largest ridership downfall of any bus system in Canada between 2012 and 2017, while diverting service away from poorer neighborhoods in favor of richer ones.

How Quebec’s continual investment in cars and divestment of public transport is putting Quebec’s economy behind.

We know that public transport is the best possible investment that a government could do to promote it's economy. Therefore, it is confusing why Quebec's provincial government is hesitant on providing proper funding to help it's operations. In this article, I look deeper inside the numbers that prove that continuing to invest money inside our deficient road system is actually worse for Quebec's economy than investing the same amount inside public transportation.

Understanding your local bus network should not be as hard.

Having a clear and simple signage system can be a catalyst to boost ridership. Since the Montreal region does not have this, I had decided to have some fun designing it myself. Basing myself on the best practices around the world, I think I pulled it off very well. Other cities have also been busy such as Boston which has the Silver Line and soon 30 "T" frequent bus routes. Vancouver has the Rapid Bus routes. Berlin has "X" express routes and "M" frequent bus routes. Seattle has lettered Rapid Ride bus routes. London is working on the Superloop bus routes. Winnipeg is working towards lettered frequent routes. It begs the question: Why not Montreal? Bus networks from coast to coast have been or are in the process of redrawing themselves, especially after the pandemic, following the successful model of the Houston METRO bus network redesign in 2015. Along with this redesign, many have reimagined the way to classify their routes in a bid to improve customer experience.


Public health and urban planning go hand in hand. Why aren't we doing more to promote cycling?

by Adamo Anthony Donovan, Cole Dev and Samuel-Gagnon Smith

Encouraging the involvement of health care professionals in the urbanist space, and more specifically on cycling. Detailed explanations on how urban design can affect the health of the general population and how encouraging active modes of transportation by health professionals can have a greater impact on the health of citizens.

On healthydebate.ca

Design articles.

Over the years, I had gained a passion for designing signage and maps. Now I am enthusiastic about designing transit maps and signage, always prioritizing accessibility. Nothing satisfies me more than bridging visual gaps in rider information.

Better service interruption wayfinding

I propose to replace wordy and lengthy signs, with simple diagrammatic wayfinding elements that values accessibility and approachability. One of this goals with this diagram, is that no matter the language that the person speaks, they can understand this diagram. This type of signage reduces the stress of transit customers and will increase their happiness while taking public transport, even when transit does not function like it is supposed to be. This will help to retain ridership, especially in times where ridership recovery from the pandemic hovers around the 80s and high 70s.

Making a new Greater Montreal frequent bus diagram.

I propose to create a new diagram in between of the existing rail diagram named "Plan Métropolitain," and the complex system maps that contain every single bus route of each of the transit authorities. The main goal of having this map was to show the user that Montreal has more than just Metro, REM and trains, but also a robust network of frequent buses that goes multiple places. This could help increase ridership on these routes, while Montreal is facing dwindling ridership on its buses since 2012. To give an idea of frequency and service span, I have provided a detailed legend that displays the approximate frequency or if there is no service for every bus route.

Redesigning Montreal's bus stop signs.

I propose a redesign of the signage system for all the bus stops in the Greater Montreal Area. Couple of focuses, was to unify the branding across all agencies in the area, invent a new nomenclature system, make the user's journey from finding their bus sign to confirming they travelling in the right direction. All of this was done to catalyze ridership, as public transportation systems are facing increasing competition versus the ride-hailing companies, such as Uber. In this day of age, the user must have all the information at their fingertips, right here and now, and not a webpage or app away. This redesign solves all the issues of the current signage.

Recommended pages.

I read and watch a lot of great sources from the perspective of urbanism, graphic design, transportation planning, etc. Here are some of them.

Sean Marshall

Geographer, Storyteller, Advocate.

Fern K. Hahn

Is a transit advocate, planning student, graphic designer, and creator of assorted content. You can find them riding the bus around Toronto.

Eric M.

I love to create and critique transit diagrams, from fixing existing maps to imagining new ones. I also like to dip into transit issues and share my insights and perspectives. If you’re a fan of pretzels and transit, you’ve come to the right place.

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A transportation blog.


This is a personal blog. I do not represent nor affiliated with the ARTM, STM, STL, RTL, EXO or any other entity.

All content is © Cole Dev unless noted.


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